
Debtors Control: signs you need to outsource this function

Debtors Control: signs you need to outsource this function

Possibly the most difficult area of any business is getting customers to pay on time. Or pay up at all. There are always problem people who either assume that if they leave a debt long enough it will go away – or those who would pay but find themselves in awkward...

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Uncollectible Debt: time, tax and tenacity

Uncollectible Debt: time, tax and tenacity

Sometimes debts become uncollectable and have to be written off by the creditor. There are many reasons for this, such as: debtor's bankruptcy, an inability to find the debtor, fraud on the part of the debtor, or lack of proper documentation to prove that debt exists....

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Debt Collection: Why you need an agency

Debt Collection: Why you need an agency

Possibly the most difficult thing about running a business is the process of extracting money that is owed by customers. As in any situation where money is owed, whether a loan that is due or accounts that haven’t been paid, it’s an awkward business for any individual...

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Debt Collection: unpacking the process

Debt Collection: unpacking the process

Getting into debt is hardly a wise thing to do. However, some people can’t help situations in which they may have lost their job or had to purchase costly equipment for their business. Others sail into debt simply because they have never learnt the process of...

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